Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Two Faces...

This first FOTD was from Tuesday. Simple and quick neutrals which was perfect for school.

Eyes: UDPP, Smashbox Nude eyeshadow, Bobbi Brown Mink eyeshadow, MAC Sketch and Ricepaper, gel eyeliner in black, LashBlash Fusion and Lashes to Die For mascaras.

This look I wore today. I normally go outward with my eyeshadows so I thought I'd try more of a vertical type of thing. I'm not quite sure how I felt about the pink, but it was nice to try something new. I wish my eyebrows didn't look so square though >=O.

Eyes: UDPP, MAC Painterly Painpot and Ricepaper for highlight, Stars Makeup Haven Charisma eyeshadow (lid), Sugarpill Buttercupcake, Urban Decay Free Love
Face: Cargo Bronzer in Dark, LaFemme Mocha Blush
My lips kept changing.

I looked around today and noticed that suddenly the majority of the trees around here are pretty much halfway through changing colors. I didn't even realize it was happening. Where does time go??

Pretty soon it'll be freezing out...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I'm Still Here!

My hair is growing...

Pretty Neutral
 I haven't been doing much with makeup this past week that I've been missing...The above was as spicy as it got for me.

I can't think about anything when I think I have to apply for graduation by this Friday and I need advisement but my advisor is hanging out in Japan somewhere. But I think I could use some color therapy and I've been wanting to play with teals so...I think this is a good week to do that!

I'll definitely be back!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Today Was Just One of Those Days...

Where it should've been a crappy day, but turns out not to be.

I went down to city hall this morning to pay my parking ticket and found a spot less than a block away. Excited, I parked in the spot, heard my car beeping and ignored it, got out, and then put my money in the meter. I then turned around and the fact that my car had been making noise at me registered, and  realized I had locked my keys inside the car. At that point I decided there was nothing I could do about it, so I continued on my way into city hall to pay my ticket.

When I got inside, I asked an officer who I should call to get my keys out and a worker happened to be there since apparently I was the second person to do that in a half hours time. So he said to me "we can do it, but it'll be $50"...I must've made some kind of face because he laughed and tried to make me feel better but I was like "Let me go pay this first and then i'll think about it." So I was sent upstairs.

Long story short, I waited upstairs for no reason and they sent me back downstairs to pay my ticket since I wasn't disputing it or anything and as I left the guy was like "Lets go open up your car."

Get down to the block where my car is at and now there's two fire trucks blocking. Anyway, they move, my car gets opened, and the guys don't charge me anything.

After that incident, I went to the post office to mail off an important letter. Realizing I forgot my stamps, I went to the window and said I wanted to mail it and the man there told me it would be $.44. No problem right? I figured in my huge bag or wallet I should have enough change floating around. Nope, after searching I only came up with $.37 so I fished around to give him a dollar bill and instead he took the $.37 and just said they'd get me next time because he didn't feel like making change.

So what did I do after all that?

After only catching the bus because the driver saw me and waited, I sat in the sun before my class to warm my back and think while reading for my classes tomorrow.

My day could've ended up a lot worse than it did. And to top it off, everyone I spoke to today somehow made me smile...even the woman who took my money when I paid my ticket. Actually, today was a lot better than most days normally are.

And I didn't cry like the last time I locked my keys in the car. To me, that in itself was a success.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Just wanted to say...

Congrats to my cousin on delivering a healthy baby girl named Autumn today.

And now I will disappear until she is around 1 and then again until 13 so I can avoid the drool and abuse that babies and kids normally inflict on me >_<. They never seem to understand that I'm not a horse =/

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Little Color...

I normally wear liner and mascara on the everyday basis but for some reason I felt like today I wanted a little bit of color on my eyes. Sooo

MAC Going Bananas and Stars Makeup Haven Charisma right on my lower lashline.
Also have Buxom Lip Balm in Waikiki topped with NYX Crystal Soda on my lips and NYX Rose Petal cream blush on my cheeks. Eyebrows filled in with Urban Decay Brow box in Brown Sugar again. Nothing else on my face as usual.

I'm pretty simple when it comes to everyday events like going to school. I get sleepy in class and risk rubbing my eyes a lot so I at least wear mascara to try and prevent me from doing that. I wish I had a trick to make me pay more attention though lol

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

About Me~

I noticed that when I post, I don't really say anything of interest or too much about myself besides "Going to work now! Later~" So since I don't plan on putting on noteworthy makeup until Thursday night or Friday, I thought I'd make a random about me post! Prepare to be bored lol.

Well I'm 21, I just recently changed my major from Japanese Studies to East Asian Studies so I can graduate earlier, blah blah. I'm banging my head against walls because even though I made the change, I still decided to take ridiculously hard classes like Classical Chinese and a 400lvl Japanese class. Bad idea. But builds character....I think.

Most days I look like this:

Something Like this when my hair needs a trim:
Or like this depending on whether you catch me off guard at a good time or bad time:
For hobbies...I like to vegetate when I'm not in class or work. I like makeup (duh), but I also like to take pictures of things.
Really mostly food though....but all of those pictures are on my phone. I pretty much text my contact list pictures every time I eat lol. Its my way of sharing.
I think I bored myself because I don't want to do this anymore. But the most important thing to know about me...I guess would be that I absolutely love anything grapefruit. Or maybe that shouldn't be the most important...but its so true!

Okay..I'm done now.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Cell Phone FOTD

Eyes: Too Faced Naked Eye Palette
Face: NARS Torrid, Cargo bronzer in dark
Lips: Too Faced Runway Red Lipstick, Urban Decay Lip Junkie in Red Light, and lipliner in Ozone

Friday, September 10, 2010


Been a pretty busy week for me. Went to a sweet 16 and funeral which meant me driving to the city area of NY on Monday and Thursday respectively, had classes Tuesday, and now I'm off to work today! But, I before a go, a FOTD perchance?

Mm. I think I like my cheeks..
Products used:

Urban Decay Primer Potion, NYX Jumbo Eyeshadow Pencil in Slate, Sugarpill Bulletproof, MAC Heritage Rouge pigment, Cranberry and Femme-Fi eyeshadows, Jane Be Pure mineralized eyeliner, Peter Thomas Roth Mascara, and Some random lashes cut up for the ends

Smashbox primer, Graftobian foundation in Golden Sunset, LaFemme blush in Apricot, Cargo bronzer in Dark

MAC Bare, NARS Giza lipgloss

I went back and added a little more bulletproof in. Looks smokey-er in person but still kind of cool. I can finally check these colors off my list of ones I never use.

Anybody else buy shades they LOVE but never wear them?

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Another Work EOTD

MAC Going Bananas, Sweet & Punchy, Firecracker, and Femme Fi (i think). Urban Decay Creep.
Face: Graftobian foundation in Golden Sunset, Nars Torrid Blush
Lips: Stila Tangerine

Looks like its about to pour down rain here =/. I guess I'm lucky I'll be at work all day? I don't know.

 I'll see if I can take a less blurry picture after work. This pictures of my face thing has never been my best skill lol

Friday, September 3, 2010

Naked Palette Strikes Again

with a little help from Ransom.

Off to work. Have a good day everyone!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Work FOTD of the semester..

On my way in to work. Always a good idea to wear stuff we sell so I used my Naked Palette again.

Lets see...I used Virgin,Sin,Sidecar,Gunmetal,Hustle, and Creep on my eyes. CoverGirl Lashblast fusion and Peter Thomas Roth mascara on my lashes. LaFemme Apricot blush on my cheeks, MAC Bare and NARS Giza on my lips.


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