Sunday, August 12, 2012

Review: Princess Mimi/Bambi Almond Brown Circle Lens

Sorry for the delay, kind of in the middle of quite sucky break up.

Anyhow. I finally received my package from Shoppingholics. I had heard good reviews on them so I decided to place my order there this time, especially since I forgot where I ordered from last time.

My Experience: ...I placed my order in June, the order shipped pretty quickly, I believe on June 19th. Unfortunately, I didn't receive my order until August 3rd. That's quite a while for me or maybe I'm just impatient. I don't know. I will say that based on other people's experiences, this is not always the case. So maybe I'm just special. 

Also, when I did send them an email to question them about this, they replied very quickly and were very nice/helpful. So, because customer service was great and this seems to be an exception...I think I would probably try ordering there again and see what happens. My package did get to me safe and sound so..whatevs lol.


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Sneak Peak!

My new circle lens have finally arrived~!

Princess Mimi Bambi Chocolate Browns. Expect a full review on them possibly Monday after I test them out.

I've already had the Sesame Grey and the Apple Green and I loved them..(might even snag another pair of each) so I hope I love these as well.

Is There Anyone Out There....

There used to be...and I'm sure there still are a few here and there.

First off...I'm sorry.

I started this blog with the intent of posting looks, which was originally exciting because I could see when I was improving and things I needed to work on to get better...But since I no longer work at a makeup counter or a place where I can wear what I want on a daily basis, I now wear the same clean looks. Nothing worth posting in my opinion as it really doesn't change much (besides my lip color).

As a result....I've been fading in and out randomly...and I probably won't stop yet.

As much as I neglect it, I love my blog....So recently I've been really trying to find the direction I would like to take it in and find my voice..For some, that's easy...For me, it's been a little more difficult mainly because I've been distracted with other things...

But, I'm trying.

And I'm going to start by trying to take advantage of being able to schedule posts so that maybe when I do fade, it doesn't seem like I've disappeared (the art of a good pump fake).

So, I'll be back. Thanks for being patient and sticking around..

On the flip side..I'm on Instagram (name: Onjel), twitter (@jelz127), and least frequently tumblr ( if you're ever curious about what I do in day to day life (mostly eat and kickbox <--trying to get that work out on) so I'm never toooo far.

Once again, I'll see you guys in a few <3 br="br">


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