Wednesday, December 15, 2010

NARS Giza Swatch

I hate not updating regularly, but finals are beating me upside my head. I'm finished Friday though and after one more day of work, I'll be home on Sunday.
Since I'm not coming back next semester, I'm also in the process of packing up all of my things to move out.

A part of me really doesn't believe that I finished school a semester early. I don't think it will hit me until everybody is moving back in in January and I'm not....Its so surreal...I still don't know what I want to do with my life!!! Or tomorrow...or even today!

Actually no...Today I want to attempt to deep condition and then twist up my hair..

But you get the point I'm sure....

Anyway, how about a lip swatch of what I think is the most used lipgloss in my FOTDs?


plus this..
 Gets these (with flash)


  1. ohhh soo pretty and glossy.
    finals week is a killer =/ all i do is study. congrats for finishing a semester early

  2. thanks~ and yeah. finals week is absolute torture. That is one thing I will not miss at all!

  3. hey beautiful, this lip gloss looks gorgeous on you! i want!!!!!



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